Thursday, March 17, 2016

Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration | Go Master Site Master of Science . Master of Public .Master of Business .Master System ....

Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration | Go Master Site Master of Science . Master of Public .Master of Business .Master System ....

Very Interesting Post.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Emotional health and stress

People who are emotionally healthy are in control of their thoughts, feelings and behaviors. They feel good about themselves and have good relationships. They can keep problems in perspective.

It’s important to remember that people who have good emotional health sometimes have emotional problems or mental illness. Mental illness often has a physical cause, such as a chemical imbalance in the brain. Stress and problems with family, work or school can sometimes trigger mental illness or make it worse. However, people who are emotionally healthy have learned ways to cope with stress and problems.They know when they need to seek help from their doctor or a counselor.

How does stress affect my emotions?

Your body responds to stress by making stress hormones. These hormones help your body respond to situations of extreme need. But when your body makes too many of these hormones for a long period of time, the hormones wear down your body — and your emotions. People who are under stress a lot are often emotional, anxious, irritable and even depressed.

If possible, try to change the situation that is causing your stress. Relaxation methods, such as deep breathing and meditation, and exercise are also useful ways to cope with stress.
Can emotional problems be treated?

Yes. Counseling, support groups and medicines can help people who have emotional problems or mental illness. If you have an ongoing emotional problem, talk to your family doctor. He or she can help you find the right type of treatment.

New paradigm of health

“Until only a few years ago, the dominant paradigm implied that the body could be reduced to a mechanism and, hence, its operation could be explained at the causes and effects. Today, some evidence shows that the limitations of that model ended up doing emerge new-or renewed-ways of understanding human health, and open to broader dimensions as the affection and emotional sphere, “says the research, that this award” quiet revolution “to the disclosure of disciplines such as neurolingüísticos, positive psychology, psychobiology, neuroscience, the dissemination of positive thinking, self-help and greater attention to Eastern religions. Here’s how it appears in the conviction that society to stay healthy and not enough physical exercise, lead a balanced diet and regularly consult a physician. Today, the emotional balance is presented as a new dimension of health “as important as the physical” for more than 90% of Latin Americans.

“What emotional is a fundamental dimension of health,” says Roberto Rosler, the British Hospital neurosurgeon and teaching career in Physiology and Medicine Nutrition of the Open University Inter, who after many years of “hard science”, was launched in the emerging field of neurobiology emotional, then living, “from both sides of the counter, the typical scene of the clinic where, after watching the results of the tests, the doctor says that everything is fine but insists that the patient feel bad. ” His explanation is that the central nervous system of living beings ha ido evolving and the emergence of emotional circuit, whose size is much lower than in the cerebral cortex, is something like the “software” that can increase the survival of the species: “The modern cerebral cortex, which is what gives us the ability to think and speak, is our evolutionary Rolls-Royce, and the emotional is the donkey. If one is either eaten, slept and had sex enough, one is a man or a woman rational. But if the parameters are not well, we change the software and is the donkey, even though it is much smaller, which takes control. So emotional health is critical, because it’s the first thing to be well. ” Despite this conviction, no cree que la medicina transits towards this paradigm shift. Quite the contrary: “Doctors have a defect in training that emerges from the Cartesian conception that separates the soul from the body and he has become viscerólogos. Then, entering the race of Medicine are the ones who are interested in cells, and other issues of interest to them, are going to Psychology. I am a pessimist about this, because not only do not believe that this paradigm is in transition, but ever more away. In addition, the trend is not towards a comprehensive health, but towards a specialization in bodies that are increasingly despersonalizada. Every time heal more diseases and fewer patients. ” For all these reasons, for Rosler health assessment must be international, trans-and multidisciplinary, and evaluation of physical health must be properly integrated with the emotional.

In this sense, homeopathy appears to be a pioneer, because since its inception, more than 200 years ago, is proposed as an anthropological medicine, holistic and humanistic. “It is increasingly used in front of the failures of the increasingly mechanistic and organicist medical officer,” says Roque Penna, vice president of the medical association Homeopathic Argentina, who explained that homeopathy postulated the existence of a “vital force” that animates all living beings. “When this force is unbalanced, disease symptoms appear. The emotions within the homeopathic treatment, are the most important evidence of imbalance of force are vital because the more individualized patient. That is why, for homeopathy, ‘but there is no disease patients’ “he says. From this standpoint, “the homeopath believes curing his patient not only when the physical symptoms disappear, but when symptoms are also healed emotional. Because only a physically and emotionally healthy person is free to decide what you want to live life. ”

That is how it reveals one of the central findings of the investigation, when he says that the ideal of life for Latin Americans “is a kind of equation in which the physical health, coupled with the emotional health, the welfare and economic factors environment, results in a certain welfare to which sustained almost entirely identified with the concept of happiness “.

Weight Loss Pills - Myth and Facts

Diet pills may be helpful but may be harmful as well. To choice the right diet supplement, you must increase your knowledge about it before you buy anything. These days it is so ironic to see Americans struggling against obesity. They try so hard to fight their fat surplus and they sought help from diet supplements. Sadly, they do not realize that diet supplements are very dangerous when you don’t know how to use them.

This situation has been repeated again and again over the last few years. Not only drugs, but other devices like weight loss creams, lotions, and even weight loss surgeries have become very popular recently. Are they really that effective? Of course not. The real question is, whether you have enough willingness to take exercises or not.

Diet tools (pills, lotions, gels, etc.) are like some kind of power that can “force” your body. Hence, you need to increase your metabolic speed by doing proper exercises and (if necessary) use calorie shifting diet plan. If your metabolism rate is better, the chance for diet pill to aid your obesity problem would be better. If not, better be careful with its side effects. Metabolism is the most important key if you want to use any tools to help your diet.

That’s why WebMD and other trusted health sites always told us to seek guidance from doctors before we use any non-prescription diet pill. Whoever the doctor is (as long as the doctor is a honest person), he/she would tell you to use diet pill as ONLY an addition for your diet. The most important things, as usual, are how you eat and your exercises. Non-prescription diet pills are not harmless, especially if you are a lazy boy/girl. Don’t trust any ads on the tv or on the internet that tell you to do nothing and you can still lose weight by just eating their product. All of them are just lying to attract more potential customers.

Herbal Teas that would help you manage your insomnia

Passionflower (Passiflora incarnate)

Passion flower is calming and sleep inducing, relieves pain, and muscular spasms. It is useful for the treatment of general insomnia, insomnia in asthmatics, hysteria, cramps, and nerve pain.

Passionflower was widely used by the Aztecs as a sedative and analgesic. Its constituents include harmine. Harmine was originally known as telepathine because of its peculiar ability to induce a contemplative state and mild euphoria. It was later used by the Germans in World War II as “truth serum.” Harmine and related compounds can inhibit the breakdown of serotonin, therefore their use with 5-HTP would have an additive effect.

How to Use: Take 30–60 drops of tincture forty-five minutes before bed.
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)

Valerian is relaxing and sleep inducing, relieves spasms, calms the digestion, and lowers blood pressure. It is useful for severe insomnia and insomnia accompanied by pain, cramps, intestinal pain, wind, menstrual pain, tension, anxiety, and over-excitability.

Valerian can bring on a restful sleep without morning sleepiness or other side effects or dangers of addiction. Studies have shown that valerian has an extremely beneficial effect among poor or irregular sleepers (particularly women), and in people having difficulty falling asleep.

Valerian has been widely used in folk medicine as a sedative and antihypertensive. Clinical studies have substantiated valerian’s ability to improve sleep quality and relieve insomnia. In one study, valerian showed a significant effect compared to the placebo, with forty-four percent reporting perfect sleep and eighty-nine percent reporting improved sleep. In another double-blind study of insomniacs, twenty subjects received either a combination of valerian root extract (160 mg) and Melissa officinalis extract (80 mg), benzodiazepine (triazolam 0.125 mg), or a placebo. In the insomniac group, the valerian/melissa preparation showed an effect comparable to that of the benzodiazepines, as well as an ability to increase deep-sleep stages 3 and 4. The valerian/melissa preparation did not, however, cause any daytime sleepiness, and there was no evidence of diminished concentration or impairment of physical performance.

How To Use: Brew valerian tea or take about 20 drops of tincture in water at bedtime; experiment to find the dosage that suits you best.

Valerian, like any sleeping aid, acts as a central nervous system depressant and should not be used every night. Take the tea about forty-five minutes before bedtime.

Caution: Valerian does not suit every one. Can occasionally cause excitement. Do not exceed recommended dosage.
Jamaica Dogwood (Piscidia piscipula)

Jamaica dogwood is calming, eases pain and disturbing persistent thoughts
Jamaica dogwood is good for insomnia caused by nervous tension, pain, or menstrual pain.

Can take this herb orally (by mouth) or in a herbal bath.

Dosage: In decoction, can be combined with hops and valerian.

Caution: This is a powerful remedy; do not exceed the recommended dosage.
Hops (Humulus lupulus)

Hops is relaxing, sleep-inducing, and antiseptic.

It is good for general insomnia, especially tension or anxiety-related, or associated with restlessness, indigestion or headaches.

Hops can be mixed with chamomile in equal parts.

Use by mouth or in bath.

Caution: Do not take if depressed. Do not take during the first three months of pregnancy.
Californian Poppy (Eschscholtzia Californica)

Californian poppy is sleep-inducing, relieves pain, and quietens disturbed feelings.
It is good for menopausal insomnia, excitable ; and sleepless children, anxiety.

Dosage: In infusion or two to four ml of tincture or two capsules before bedtime.
Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile)

Chamomile is relaxing, eases digestion, relieves spasm, pain-relieving and antiseptic, helps to heal wounds.

Chamomile is a gentle remedy. It is good for anxiety, indigestion, inflammation, and catarrh.

Chamomile tea is a mild sedative. It can be mixed with hops in equal parts.

Can be taken orally (By mouth) or externally ( in bath).

Health Benefits of Tea

Tea is the most commonly consumed beverage in the world after water. Tea has been known as one of the most nutritious drinks that you can have. For hundreds and even thousands of years, people have been using tea not only for health, but for ceremonies. The Japanese and Chinese regard this drink as something formal, and tea ceremonies are regarded as a proper way to welcome your guests. The health benefits of tea have been proven and some skeptics just drink it as an alternative to coffee because of the caffeine content of all teas.

Numerous studies have demonstrated the anti-cancer properties of antioxidantt polyphenols. Some studies have suggested that tea’s polyphenols may reduce the risk of gastric, esophageal and skin cancers, if one consumes 4 to 6 cups daily. Another study showed that just 2 cups of tea may lower the risk of ovarian cancer by 46 percent in women. Other studies have found that polyphenols help prevent blood clotting and lower cholesterol levels. One Japanese study found that green tea Powers death rates from heart disease.

Tea: Black, Green, White or Oolong?

Black, green, white, and oolong teas derive their leaves from a warm-weather evergreen tree known as Camellia sinensis. The leaves from this tree contain polyphenols. The more processing tea leaves undergo, the darker they will turn. Green tea and white tea are the least processed tea. They are simply steamed quickly. According to some studies, white tea is derived from the young new leaves from the Camellia plant in early spring. These young leaves contain no chlorophyll, so they are silvery white. Black and Oolong teas are partially dried, crushed and fermented. As we have mentioned before, regardless of the processing method, black, green, white and oolong teas all contain polyphenols. In fact, tea ranks as high as or higher than many fruits and vegetables in the ORAC score, a score that measures antioxidant potential of plant-based foods.

There are basically three kinds of teas that we consume nowadays. Green, Oolong, White and Black teas are the most common teas you can get from any store. These teas can come from the same plant, however differences in color and effect are based on the fermentation and oxidation process they experience.

1. Green tea is made when the tea leaves are oxidized in a minimal manner and then left to dry in the sun. The colors can be achieved naturally and this will take more time than the regular tea making process.

2. Black or Red tea is oxidized more compared to the green tea. This type of teas is oxidized for more than a week and sometimes for two weeks. It produces a red color when blended with hot water, and this is why it’s sometimes called red tea.

3. Oolong tea is achieved when the time of oxidation is between the green and black tea. The process is not as long as the black tea but not as short as the green tea. It’s the most difficult tea to process.

4. White tea is the newest form of tea to hit the market. This tea is made from the fresh buds of the tea leaves.

When you talk about oxidation, the most common way of oxidizing tea is just to boil it. Leave it there for a few hours and days depending on the way you want it. If you want something stronger in terms of caffeine, you might want to have a green tea which is quite easy to create. Just boil it for a day or two and then leave it under the sun. However, the recommended way is to steam them and to keep the leaves from breaking.

The effects of these teas are also different. Black tea is known to have a higher caffeine concentration and Oolong is the most effective when you are trying to lose weight. Even if you don’t want to lose weight, tea is good for you since it will act as a cleanser and will flush all the toxins by sweat or by any other excretions you might have. It’s also a tasty drink for some and it’s even a choice for an afternoon drink in some Asian countries instead of having coffee to give them jump start for the day or the afternoon.

Tea is the second most widely consumed beverage in the world, exceeded only by the most necessary of all liquids - water. Tea is an integral part of everyday societal life in many of the world’s most populous countries. This has made tea the most popular beverage for a huge swath of the world’s people.

Tea is prepared from linder leaves, leaf buds and tender stalks of different varieties of the warm-weather evergreen known as camellia sinensis. The most popular types of tea are:

* Green Tea
* Black Tea

Other teas are:

* Ginseng Tea
* Herbal Tea
* Rooibos Tea

Health Benefits of Coffee

As a beverage, coffee has become the most popular drink in the world. Its stimulating effects have become one of its main selling points along with the rich aroma and distinct flavor that comes with every cup. Many people may not know it, but drinking coffee may bring with it some added health benefits. Here are just some of them.

Some studies have shown that coffee can help in the fight against some cancers. Researchers have found that coffee may have some anti-cancer properties. This gave evidence to studies that show coffee drinkers having a 50 percent lesser chance of developing liver cancer as compared to non-coffee drinkers. There are also some studies that suggest the beneficial effects of coffee in the lower rates of breast, colon, and rectal cancers in coffee drinkers.

There are also some new studies suggesting that coffee drinking may not lead to people suffering from high blood pressure over time. Although some studies have also shown that coffee may increase blood pressure in people already suffering from the common ailment, it hasn’t been exactly pinpointed as the cause of the development of high blood pressure in people with normal blood pressure. At this point, the influence of coffee in the cardiovascular effects in the body may require some more intensive study and research.

Coffee drinking is also linked in some way to the development of diabetes. Some studies have shown that heavy coffee drinkers may have a 50 percent less chance of developing diabetes compared to light coffee drinkers. Coffee actually contains substances that help lower blood sugar and can also help in increasing one’s resting metabolism rate when taken regularly. This helps keep the development of diabetes at bay.